Article 1 Purpose, Mission, and Objectives:
The United States Naval Academy Class of 1970 (“Class,” “Class of 1970,” and/or the “Corporation”
as defined by the general laws and specific Corporation Laws of the State of Maryland) is a not-for-profit Maryland organization,
incorporated and operated for the following purposes and with the following mission and objectives:
- 1.1 Friendships and Associations: To organize and operate programs and activities that perpetuate the friendships and associations formed by the members
of the Class of 1970, as defined herein, through their common experiences and their interest in the Naval Academy, the Navy
and Marine Corps and other armed services.
- 1.2 Public Influence: To influence the general public in the best interest of the Naval Academy and the Navy and Marine Corps services.
- 1.3 Recruitment: To identify, inform, educate and encourage outstanding young men and women about the Naval Academy and about careers as
officers in the Navy and Marine Corps, and to assist, if possible, in their selection and enrollment at the Naval Academy.
- 1.4 Sponsor Activities: To Initiate and sponsor activities that will perpetuate the history, traditions, memories, and growth of the Naval Academy
and bind the members of the Class of 1970 together in support of the highest ideals of leadership, citizenship, and government.
- 1.5 Support USNA: To support the Naval Academy, the Naval Academy Alumni Association, Naval Academy Foundation, and other chosen
philanthropic projects.
Article 2 Membership:
Both the U.S. Naval Academy and U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association databases designate
graduates as members of the class from which they graduated or would have graduated had they remained at the Naval Academy
through graduation. Members and Honorary Members of the Class of 1970 shall include:
- 2.1 Induction Day Members: Any person who was sworn in as a Midshipman on June 29, 1966 as a member of the Brigade of Midshipmen, Class of 1970, at
the Naval Academy, and any other member of the Brigade of Midshipmen from a senior class who joined the Class of 1970, who
(a) graduated with the Class of 1970 or (b) left the Naval Academy prior to graduation, shall qualify as a Member of the Class
of 1970 (“Member”). Accordingly, members of the Class of 1970 who were reassigned to a later class (“rollbacks” or “turn backs”)
shall not be included as official members of the Class of 1970.
- 2.2 Widows: Any spouse of a Member who has been predeceased by her husband shall hereinafter be known as a Widow, and then be afforded
all the rights and privileges held by a Member of the Class of 1970, as delineated in Article 3, below. The Class Officers
shall develop and implement policy, guidance, and criteria to be followed to identify the qualifications and circumstances
which need to be met for a Widow to be afforded all the rights and privileges held by a Member of the Class of 1970,
and to describe specific privileges to be afforded widows regarding attendance and participation in Class events. Such policy,
guidance, and criteria are included as Addendum 1 to these Bylaws and are available on the Class of
1970 Website.
- 2.3 Honorary Members: Any Member of the Class of 1970 shall have the right to nominate any person, who is
not identified in Articles 2.1 or 2.2 above, to be named as an Honorary Member of the USNA Class of 1970. Any such nomination must be in
writing and submitted to the Class Officers per the USNA '70 Honorary Member Guidelines and Criteria
located on the Class Website, and in Addendum 2
of these Bylaws. Any person nominated to be an Honorary Member must be approved by a
majority vote of the Class Officers, as defined in Articles 5 and 6 below. The Board of Trustees, with the approval of the Class
Officers, shall review and comment on any such nominations received by the Class Officers, providing their recommendations for a
nominee's inclusion as an Honorary Member of the Class of 1970. Upon approval of a nominee to become an Honorary
Member, said person shall be afforded rights and privileges as delineated in Article 3.3 below. A list of Honorary Members
will be posted on the Class website and will be maintained by the Class Membership Secretary and the Web Curator.
- 2.4 Deceased Members: Deceased Members of the Class of 1970 shall be honored on the USNA Class of 1970
Website “In Memoriam” webpage. This page shall include a link from their last name to an obituary as available. The USNA ’70 Web
curator, assisted by the Decedent Affairs Coordinator (as described in Article 2.5), shall endeavor to maintain currency of the
“In Memoriam” webpage and locate obituaries as practical. The names of all deceased classmates shall be read at every five-year
reunion at a memorial service to which widows and next of kin will be invited. The USNA ’70 Web curator shall ensure that each
Weekly Birthday List indicates those who are In Memoriam and contain a link to their obituary as appropriate.
- 2.5 Decedent Affairs Coordinator (DAC): The DAC is assigned by the Class President following approval by
the Class Officers. The DAC is responsible to the Class President for coordinating all aspects of Decedent Affairs for all departed
members of the Class of 1970. This includes direct coordination with the Alumni Association Memorial Affairs and the classmate’s
next of kin. Specific responsibilities of the DAC are delineated in
Addendum 3 to these Bylaws “USNA Class of 1970 Decedent Affairs Coordinator” as available on the Class Website.
Article 3 Rights and Privileges of Members:
- 3.1 Members of the Class of 1970: As defined in Article 2.1 above, class members shall be afforded the
following rights and privileges:
- Run for and hold Class office
- Propose a member for Class Office to the Nominating Committee
- Nominate persons as Honorary Members of the Class of 1970
- Vote in Class elections
- Attend Class-sponsored events
- Attend Class reunions
- Receive Class emails
- Submit posts for the Class website
- Donate to Class-sponsored projects
- Serve as a Class Trustee
- Serve as Chair of Class Committee
- Serve as Class Project Manager
- Attend Class Football Tailgates
- Submit input for "Shipmate" magazine
- Propose items for discussion/vote at annual Class Meetings
- Propose items for discussion/action/vote by Class Officers and/or Board of Trustees
- Join the Class Facebook Group
- Propose amendments to the Class Bylaws and Policies
- (Note: Items may be added to or removed from this list through amendment of these Bylaws.)
- 3.2 Widows: Widows of Class members, as defined in Article 2.2 above, shall be afforded all the rights
and privileges held by a Member.
- 3.3 Honorary Members: Honorary Members, as defined in Article 2.3 above, shall be afforded rights and
privileges as follows.
- Attend Class-sponsored events
- Attend Class reunions
- Donate to Class-sponsored projects
- Attend Class football tailgates
- (Note: Items may be added to or removed from this list through amendment of these Bylaws.)
- Attendance at Class reunions, and Class football tailgates, and other Class-sponsored events shall be at the expense of the
Honorary Members, unless otherwise decided by the Class Officers.
Article 4 General Powers:
The business and affairs of the Class of 1970 shall be governed and managed by the Class Officers
and Board of Trustees, as defined and set forth herein. In addition to the powers expressly conferred upon them by these Bylaws,
the Officers and Board of Trustees may exercise all legal and authorized powers of the Class of 1970.
Article 5 Officers and Trustees:
- 5.1 Number of Officers and Trustees: The officers of the Class of 1970 shall consist of a President,
Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, and a Treasurer (Class Officers). They shall be nominated and
elected as set forth herein, except for the Corresponding Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Class Officers.
There shall be a minimum of six, and a maximum of ten, members of the Board of Trustees (Trustees), except as otherwise
specified in these Bylaws. The Trustees shall be appointed by the Class Officers and shall serve the Class Officers in an
advisory role and may serve as Committee Chairmen
- 5.2 Term of Office: The Class Officers, except for the Corresponding Secretary, shall serve
a term in office of five years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. Trustees shall serve a term
of five years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms, except in the case of ad hoc members of the Board of
Trustees, as set forth in Article 8.3 below. Following completion of two consecutive terms in office, Class Officers and
Trustees shall “sit out” one five-year term, after which Class Officers may again run for office and Trustees are again
eligible for reappointment. All Officers and Trustees shall be Members of the Naval Academy Class of 1970 and shall serve the
Class without compensation, other than for reimbursement for approved expenses incurred on behalf of the Class of 1970 and in
furtherance of the purposes and objectives described herein.
- 5.3 Transition: The term of the Class Officers shall begin on January 1, following
the five-year reunion where the election results were announced, except for the Corresponding Secretary, whose position is
defined in Article 6.3 below. The term shall expire on January 1 following the subsequent five-year reunion, upon the assumption
of the duties and authority by the newly elected Class Officers. During the approximately three months between the announcement of the election
results and the assumption of the duties by the newly elected Class Officers, the old and new Class
Officers shall work together for a smooth and orderly transition and transfer of documents and authority. Elections of Class
Officers shall be held in 2025, 2030, 2035 etc., unless otherwise designated by the Class Officers. Trustees shall be
appointed or reappointed at the first meeting of the Class Officers held following the new term of the newly elected Class
Officers, normally in January following the election of Class Officers. Class Officers shall attempt to stagger appointments
and terms of Class Trustees for continuity in leadership of Committees.
- 5.4 Interim Class Officers: Except as specified in Article 6.2 below, should any Class Officer be
unable to complete his full term, the remaining Class Officers shall appoint a member of the Board of Trustees to serve as an
Interim Class Officer. The Interim Class Officer shall serve until the elected Class Officer is able to resume his duties. If
the elected Class Officer is unable to resume his duties, the Interim Class Officer shall serve until the next class election
or until a special election is held, as determined by the remaining Class Officers.
Article 6 Duties of Class Officers and Class Trustees:
- 6.1 President:
- Presidential Duties: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Naval Academy Class of 1970
and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties appropriate to that office. The President shall represent the
Class in all affairs of the Class of 1970, including those with the Naval Academy, the Naval Academy Alumni Association,
and the Naval Academy Foundation. In conjunction with the other Class Officers, he shall appoint all Committee Chairmen
of the Class of 1970 Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Class Projects as set forth herein. The President shall
have the right and authority to establish additional committees and projects, as needed from time to time, beyond those
Standing Committees designated herein. He shall ensure that Class Officer Meetings are held at least once a year or as
often as necessary for the management and leadership of the Class. The President shall also ensure that communication is
maintained for decisions with the Class Trustees.
- Financial Responsibilities: The President is empowered to approve all financial documents necessary or
expedient to the management of the Class and conduct such business as may arise between annual meetings, or delegate in
writing the power and authority to another Class Officer or Class Trustee to sign or execute any such documents as may be
necessary from time to time. He may use Class funds necessary to conduct Class business, such as mailings, flowers for
widows, and similar expenditures. After approving expenditures of up to $500.00, the Class President shall
inform the Class Officers regarding that expenditure. Any expenditure exceeding $500.00 must be approved by a majority vote
of the Class Officers.
- External Responsibilities: The Class President may be asked to serve on committees of the U.S. Naval
Academy Alumni Association or request other class members to serve in those capacities. All Committee Chairmen and
Project Managers appointed by the President will report to him upon completion of duties (e.g., reunions, gift committees,
etc.), or as necessary for the expedient management and operation of Class matters and business. The President shall serve
as an ex officio member of the Class Board of Trustees and of all Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Class
- Class Status Meetings: The President or Vice President may schedule and conduct meetings of Class Officers,
Trustees, and Committees as necessary and desired throughout the year.
- 6.2 Vice President:
- Vice Presidential Duties: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s
absence. The Vice President may represent the Class President at any meetings or functions that the President is unable to
attend and will keep the Class President informed of matters of importance. He may use Class funds to conduct necessary Class
business, such as mailings, flowers for widows, and similar expenditures. After expending funds up to $250.00, the
Class Vice President shall inform the Class Officers regarding that expenditure. Any expenditure exceeding $250.00,
must be approved by the Class President. The Vice President shall organize the annual Class meeting. The Vice
President may also schedule meetings of Class Officers, Trustees, and Committees as necessary and desired throughout the
- Assumption of Presidential Duties: In the event the Class President is unable to serve his full term of
office, the Vice President shall become Class President. Should the Vice President be ineligible to serve as President
(e.g., having immediately beforehand served two consecutive terms as Class President), the Vice President shall serve as
Interim Class President until a special election for President can be called by the Class Officers.
- 6.3 Corresponding Secretary:
- Appointment: The Class Corresponding Secretary shall be a continuing position, appointed by the Class Officers.
This position may be transferred by request of the incumbent or if the incumbent becomes unable to perform his duties.
Should the Corresponding Secretary request to be relieved of his duties, or should he become unable to perform his
duties, the Class President shall appoint a member of the Class Board of Trustees to serve as interim Corresponding
Secretary until such time as a permanent Corresponding Secretary can be appointed.
- Duties: The Corresponding Secretary shall submit a periodic article for publication in "Shipmate" to
announce class news regarding all members of the Naval Academy Class of 1970 and otherwise assist in all communications
with Class members. He may summarize the minutes of Class meetings and other Class news, as deemed appropriate, in
"Shipmate" or in any other written manner as authorized and approved by the Class Officers.
- 6.4 Membership Secretary:
- Duties: The Membership Secretary shall keep a record, in concert with the USNA Alumni Association, of the names and
mailing addresses of all the members of the Naval Academy Class of 1970. He shall keep a record of all meetings of the Naval
Academy Class of 1970 and shall submit the minutes of these meetings as deemed appropriate to the Class Corresponding
Secretary for publication in "Shipmate".
- Archives: Further, he will maintain all records of major reunion events received from
respective reunion committee chairmen for the purpose of archives and lessons learned.
- 6.5 Class Treasurer:
- Treasurer Duties: The Class Treasurer shall manage all funds deposited into the Class of 1970 checking account that
resides within the USNA Alumni Association Financial System, as a separate Class of 1970 account. He shall monitor
other Class of 1970 accounts to which members of the Class may make donations (note: these accounts are administered solely by the USNA Alumni Association).
He shall prepare and present for review a statement of all receipts and expenditures, on 31 December of each calendar
year and present it at the next meeting of Class Officers. Further, he shall have the authority to expend up to $500.00 from the Class
Checking Account that are necessary to conduct Class business, such as mailings, flowers for
widows, and similar expenditures. After expending up to $500.00, the Class Treasurer shall inform the Class
Officers regarding that expenditure. He shall have the authority to make expenditures exceeding $500.00 only with the explicit
majority approval of the Class Officers.
- Five-Year Reunions: The Class Treasurer shall help plan and manage the receipt and expenditure of funds for the five year reunions.
He shall help develop the Reunion Registration Fee (overhead) and propose the event and registration fee costs to the Reunion Committee and Class
Officers for approval.
Note: The positions of President, Vice President, Membership Secretary, and Treasurer shall be held by a Member
of the Class of 1970 who is either living in the Annapolis-Baltimore-Washington area or is willing to travel to the
Annapolis-Baltimore-Washington area to participate in meetings of the Class, the Naval Academy, the Naval Academy
Alumni Association, or the Naval Academy Foundation.
- 6.6 Class Board of Trustees:
- Term of Service: The Naval Academy Class of 1970 shall be supported by a Board of Trustees who are appointed by the elected Class
Officers and who shall serve the Class Officers in an advisory capacity or in any other capacity or authority
otherwise appointed or assigned by the Class Officers. A Trustee shall be a Member of the Class of 1970. There shall
be a minimum of six and a maximum of ten Trustees who will be appointed for a five-year term, with a maximum of two
consecutive terms. Following completion of two consecutive terms of service, Trustees shall “sit out” one
five-year term, after which they are again eligible to be appointed a Trustee. Trustees will serve as a clearinghouse for the Class
Officers regarding major decisions that affect the Class of 1970.
- Qualifications: Trustees will be appointed by the elected Class Officers, based on their active participation in
Class of 1970 activities and by virtue of their contributions to the mission of the Class of 1970 as
enumerated in Article 1 of these Bylaws. The Class Trustees may also serve as Chairmen of Committees established
herein or as created and organized by the Class Officers.
- Class Leadership Meetings: Trustees are invited to attend Class Leadership Meetings and to voice their input on items discussed by the Class
Officers. Trustees may, at their discretion, propose additional items (i.e., items not currently on the
Class Leadership's Meeting Agenda) for discussion and subsequent action as deemed appropriate by the Class Officers.
- Inability to Complete Term: The Class Officers shall attempt to stagger the terms of Trustees for continuity in leadership of committees and
the Class management. Should any Class Trustee be unable to complete his full term, the Class Officers may appoint
a Member of the Class to serve on the Board of Trustees and to assume the duties and responsibilities of that
- 6.7 Company Representatives:
- Purpose: There shall be a Company Representative (Company Rep) organization created for the primary purpose of maintaining
effective and timely communications between the Class Leadership and all Class of 1970 members. The secondary purpose
of this organization is to decrease the time required to promulgate information and receive feedback on information
related to Class of 1970 business and other matters. A third purpose is to support the operations and functions of
the Class. The Class President may, from time to time, call upon the Company Representatives to assist in other
activities related to Class operations and events, such as surveying their constituencies on their opinions regarding
Class programs and plans.
- Report to Class President: Each Company shall be represented by one or more Company Representatives, who will represent each of the 36
companies that existed when the Class graduated in June 1970. The Company Rep will either be a volunteer from the
company or be elected by his company. This organization shall be managed by the Class President or by an individual
designated by the Class President. All communications shall be directed through the Class President, or an individual
designated by the Class President. The Company Reps shall report to the Class President, or an individual designated
by the Class President.
Article 7 Elections:
- 7.1 Nominations: Candidates for President, Vice President, Membership Secretary, and Treasurer shall
be nominated by the Class Nominating Committee. Trustees, as defined in Article 6.6, are not elected, but rather are appointed and
will serve until their terms expire or reappointed by the Class Officers. Trustees will be eligible to run for Class
Office but must declare their intentions and recuse themselves from participation with the Nominating Committee.
- 7.2 Voting: Elections will be conducted electronically, or as otherwise designated by the Class
Officers, following a nomination and election process established by the Nomination Committee. Each Member of the class will
have one vote in Class Officer Elections. Voting by proxy is prohibited. Class Officer elections will be held in 2025, 2030, 2035
etc., and shall be conducted and completed at least one month before the five-year reunion when Class Officer terms
are about to expire. The election results for Class Officers shall be announced at the Class meeting held during the five-year
reunion immediately following the conclusion of Class Officer elections. Trustees will be appointed or reappointed at the
initial Class Officers’ Meeting held in 2026, 2031, 2036, etc.
- 7.3 Election Results: When more than one person is nominated for any one office, the person receiving
the greatest number of votes shall be elected.
- 7.4 Turnover Files: Turnover files will be maintained by all Class Officers and Committee Chairmen
and shall be made available for transition immediately following the new class election in 2025, 2030, 2035, etc.
Article 8 Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Projects:
The leadership and implementation of the mission and objectives of the Class of 1970, as delineated
in these Bylaws, shall be governed and managed by the Class Officers, Class Trustees, and Committee Chairman as set forth below.
- 8.1 Standing Committees: The Standing Committees of the Class of 1970 will address permanent or long-term issues or programs. Standing
Committees shall be the: (1) Reunion Committee; and (2) Tailgate Committee.
- 8.2 Special Committees: From time to time, Special Committees may be formed or reconstituted to address
a short-term issue or project or one that occurs periodically. Examples of such committees might include a: (1) Nominating
Committee; (under the Elections Chair) and (2) Fundraising Committee.
- 8.3 Committee Chairmen: The Chairman of each Standing Committee and Special Committee shall be
appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Class President. The President shall attempt to appoint Committee Chairmen from
those Members serving on the Board of Trustees. However, if a prospective Committee Chairman is not a Trustee, said Committee Chairman
shall become an ad hoc member of the Class Board of Trustees for the time he serves as a Committee Chairman. Those Committee
Chairmen serving on the Board of Trustees as ad hoc members will not be included in the maximum number of allowable Trustees
as set forth in these Bylaws.
- 8.4 Class Projects: Class Projects, like Special Committees, will focus on short-term issues or
activities, but will normally consist of only one or two persons. As with Standing Committees and Special Committees, the
Chairman of each Class Project shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Class President. The President shall
attempt to appoint Class Project Managers from those Members serving on the Board of Trustees. An exception is the
Distinguished Graduate Award (DGA) Nomination Committee. A Special Project Manager shall be designated Project Manager for DGA nominations.
In the event that a member of the Class of 1970 is nominated for the Distinguished Graduate Award by a non-member of the
Class of 1970, the Class President shall appoint a Project Manager from among the Board of Trustees to monitor and facilitate
that nomination. Unlike Committee Chairmen who are not Trustees, Project Managers who are not Trustees will not become ad hoc
members of the Class Board of Trustees. Examples of such Projects might include: (1) Distinguished Graduate Award Project and
(2) Support Projects (e.g., Hopper Hall, CG 70, DDG 70, American Veterans Center).
- 8.5 Term Limits: There shall be no term limits for Committee Chairmen or Project Managers, since they
serve at the pleasure of the Class President. A Member may serve as Chairman or Manager of multiple Committees or Projects if
appointed by the Class President.
Article 9 National Headquarters:
The National Headquarters for the Naval Academy Class of 1970 is established in Annapolis, Maryland. The
President will organize the headquarters in any manner he deems necessary to support the class.
Article 10 Annual Class Meeting:
There shall be an annual Class Meeting conducted every year during a Navy home Football game
(normally Homecoming) weekend in Annapolis at a specific time and place designated by the Vice
President and announced in "Shipmate", or in any other manner designated and approved of by the
Class Officers. The purpose of the annual meeting will be to inform the Class of the current state of
affairs of the Class (e.g., financial status, projects completed and in progress), future intentions, and
any other topic deemed appropriate by the Class Officers. Additional Class meetings, upon proper
notification and publication of at least 30 days advance notice to Class Members, in a manner
designated by the Class Officers, may be held at the discretion of the President or Vice President.
Minutes of the Annual Class Meeting shall be posted on the Class of 1970 website and distributed
via Class email by the Class President.
Article 11 Parliamentary Authority:
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be used to
support the process to govern the Class in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they
are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Class may adopt.
Article 12 Amendments:
An amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed by any Member of the Class of 1970 and be
presented at any regular meeting of the Class Officers. If approved by a majority vote of the Class
Officers, the amendment will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review and comment. The
amendment shall be ratified by a majority vote of the entire Class, electronically or as otherwise
designated by the Class Officers. If approved, the amendment will then be included in the Class
Article 13 Ratification:
Ratification of these Bylaws shall be made by a majority vote of the entire Class, electronically or as
otherwise designated by the Class Officers.
Article 14 Voting:
Any activity requiring a vote of the Class (e.g., Class Elections, ratification of Amendments to
these Bylaws) shall be conducted electronically, or as the Class Officers determine. The quorum for each vote shall be established
separately (e.g., by the Nominating Committee, or by the Class Officers) for each specific vote.
Article 15 Governing Laws:
These Bylaws shall be interpreted and governed by the general laws and specific Corporation Laws of
the State of Maryland.
Addenda: The following three documents are Addenda to these Class Bylaws:
Addendum 1: USNA Class of 1970 Widows Policy
Addendum 2: USNA Class of 1970 Guidelines and Criteria for Honorary Class Membership
Addendum 3: USNA Class of 1970 Decedent Affairs Coordinator (DAC)
Amended: By Class Officers on March 19, 2020
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on February 26, 2020
Amended: By Class Officers on January 21, 2021
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on February 14, 2021
Amended: By Class Officers on July 10, 2022
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on July 25, 2022
Upon Class Ratification, these amended Bylaws become effective on/or about July 25, 2022
Edmund E. Moore
President, USNA '70       
Updated: July 12, 2022
Curator: Ed Moore