Bylaws of the United States Naval Academy Class of 1970

Article 1 Purpose, Mission, and Objectives:

The United States Naval Academy Class of 1970 (“Class,” “Class of 1970,” and/or the “Corporation” as defined by the general laws and specific Corporation Laws of the State of Maryland) is a not-for-profit Maryland organization, incorporated and operated for the following purposes and with the following mission and objectives:

Article 2 Membership:

Both the U.S. Naval Academy and U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association databases designate graduates as members of the class from which they graduated or would have graduated had they remained at the Naval Academy through graduation. Members and Honorary Members of the Class of 1970 shall include:

Article 3 Rights and Privileges of Members:

Article 4 General Powers:

The business and affairs of the Class of 1970 shall be governed and managed by the Class Officers and Board of Trustees, as defined and set forth herein. In addition to the powers expressly conferred upon them by these Bylaws, the Officers and Board of Trustees may exercise all legal and authorized powers of the Class of 1970.

Article 5 Officers and Trustees:

Article 6 Duties of Class Officers and Class Trustees:

Article 7 Elections:

Article 8 Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Projects:

The leadership and implementation of the mission and objectives of the Class of 1970, as delineated in these Bylaws, shall be governed and managed by the Class Officers, Class Trustees, and Committee Chairman as set forth below.

Article 9 National Headquarters:

The National Headquarters for the Naval Academy Class of 1970 is established in Annapolis, Maryland. The President will organize the headquarters in any manner he deems necessary to support the class.

Article 10 Annual Class Meeting:

There shall be an annual Class Meeting conducted every year during a Navy home Football game (normally Homecoming) weekend in Annapolis at a specific time and place designated by the Vice President and announced in "Shipmate", or in any other manner designated and approved of by the Class Officers. The purpose of the annual meeting will be to inform the Class of the current state of affairs of the Class (e.g., financial status, projects completed and in progress), future intentions, and any other topic deemed appropriate by the Class Officers. Additional Class meetings, upon proper notification and publication of at least 30 days advance notice to Class Members, in a manner designated by the Class Officers, may be held at the discretion of the President or Vice President. Minutes of the Annual Class Meeting shall be posted on the Class of 1970 website and distributed via Class email by the Class President.

Article 11 Parliamentary Authority:

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be used to support the process to govern the Class in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Class may adopt.

Article 12 Amendments:

An amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed by any Member of the Class of 1970 and be presented at any regular meeting of the Class Officers. If approved by a majority vote of the Class Officers, the amendment will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review and comment. The amendment shall be ratified by a majority vote of the entire Class, electronically or as otherwise designated by the Class Officers. If approved, the amendment will then be included in the Class Bylaws.

Article 13 Ratification:

Ratification of these Bylaws shall be made by a majority vote of the entire Class, electronically or as otherwise designated by the Class Officers.

Article 14 Voting:

Any activity requiring a vote of the Class (e.g., Class Elections, ratification of Amendments to these Bylaws) shall be conducted electronically, or as the Class Officers determine. The quorum for each vote shall be established separately (e.g., by the Nominating Committee, or by the Class Officers) for each specific vote.

Article 15 Governing Laws:

These Bylaws shall be interpreted and governed by the general laws and specific Corporation Laws of the State of Maryland.

Addenda: The following three documents are Addenda to these Class Bylaws:

Addendum 1: USNA Class of 1970 Widows Policy

Addendum 2: USNA Class of 1970 Guidelines and Criteria for Honorary Class Membership

Addendum 3: USNA Class of 1970 Decedent Affairs Coordinator (DAC)


Amended: By Class Officers on March 19, 2020
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on February 26, 2020

Amended: By Class Officers on January 21, 2021
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on February 14, 2021

Amended: By Class Officers on July 10, 2022
Ratified: By Majority Vote of the Class of 1970 on July 25, 2022

Upon Class Ratification, these amended Bylaws become effective on/or about July 25, 2022


Edmund E. Moore
President, USNA '70       

Updated: July 12, 2022
Curator: Ed Moore